Today was a dreary one. I drove to work in the dark (Daylight Savings, I'm so ready for you!) and then the sun refused to come out for the rest of the day. It was one of those cloudy, gloomy days that Eeyore would love, and the kind that makes everyone else a little grumpy, if only for the sake of having a new conversation topic. Have you ever noticed that humans bond particularly well over shared complaints? It's unfortunate but often true.
On days like this, days that are either literally or figuratively drab because of bad weather or pessimism or any combination of the two, it's important to make your own sunshine. You might have to look a little harder -- maybe even squint -- but I promise that if you do, you'll find things to be thankful for.
Here's what some of those things were for me today:
- Getting to work before anyone else this morning and jamming out to the songs I recently downloaded on my iPod (as much "jamming out" as filling out a deposit slip allows, anyway).
- Sipping a pumpkin spice chai latte -- thanks, Trader Joe's!
- Donuts, complete with sprinkles and frosted dreams, courtesy of one of my coworkers.
- A free full-size tube of toothpaste, and two brush head replacements for my electric toothbrush, both of which were on this week's "To Buy at Target" list, and now I get to save some money! The perks of working at a dental office, I tell ya.
- Great conversation with coworkers, much of which consisted of trying to decide how to carve our office pumpkin for Halloween this year.
- Hot tea.
- Sweaters and scarves.
- Laughter.
What are you grateful for today, friends? Leave a comment below!
Photo Credit: Sean X. Liu Flickr via Compfight cc
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